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Angel Wallpaper

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ANG01 Angel wallpaper

ANG02 Wallpaper Astrogems
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-163 
Angel 11-163
Angels - 16 x 20 Ready to Frame $8.95 16-163
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-159 
Angel 11-159  
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-161 
Angel 11-161   
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-143
Angel 11-143
Angel 16-143
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-124 
Angel 11-124
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-158 
Angel 11-158  
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-160 
Angel 11-160 
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-162 
Angel 11-162 
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-125
Angel 11-125
Angel - Ready to Frame Photograph 16-125
Angel - Static Cling Window Sticker T-42 $4.00  
Angel - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame Photograph (RTF) $4.50 (8-221) 
Angel - Static Cling Window Sticker T-61 $4.00 
Angel - Static Cling Window Sticker T-62 $4.00 
Angel - Wallet Altar $3.00 each WA-126
Angel - Wallet Altar $3.00 each WA-132 
 Angel - Wallet Altar $3.00 each WA-140
Angel - Wallet Altar $3.00 each WA-79
Angel / Mary Door Hanger $6.00 each (DH-6) 
Angel Clouds - Static Cling Window Sticker T-41 $4.00
Angel Fridge Magnets $3.50 each (M126)
Angel Fridge Magnets $3.50 each (M132)
Angel Fridge Magnets $3.50 each (M140)
Angel Fridge Magnets $3.50 each (M79)
 Angel Luggage Tags - $3.50 Each
 Angel Luggage Tags - $3.50 Each
 Angel of Love - Static Cling Window Sticker T-119 $4.00
Angels - Prints on Plastic - Ready to Frame
We Are All Angels Waiting To Fly Luggage Tags - $3.50 Each 
Wicken Angel Godess - 8 x 10 Ready to Frame 8-192 
Wicken Angel Goddess 11-192  

ANG03 Free wallpaper

ANG04 Angel screensaver

ANG05 Navaratna Angel

ANG06 free angel picture

ANG07 Fairy wallpaper

ANG08 Angel pictures for sale

ANG09 Free fairy wallpaper

ANG10 Free angel screensaver

ANG11 Free angel poster

ANG12 Free angel poster

ANG13 Devas wallpapers

ANG14 Chinese angel

ANG15 Angel poster

ANG16 Large angel

ANG17 Angel free

ANG18 Angel jewelry

ANG19 Angel talisman

ANG20 Angle picture

ANG21 Spiritual angel



ANG25 Black angel wallpaper

ANG26 Cherubin angle

ANG27 African angel

ANG28 Free seraphin

ANG29 Angel children

ANG30 Devas wallpapers

ANG31 Children wallpaper

ANG32 Angel screensaver

ANG33 free angel picture

ANG34 Angel poster

ANG35 Angel wallpaper

ANG36 Fairy wallpaper

ANG37 Large angel

ANG38 Free angel poster

ANG39 Black angel wallpaper
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Many believe in a hierarchical system of angels, messengers, celestial powers or emanations. Most theologies believe that higher beings are able and willing to serve by intercession for the Divine Plan. They help to combat the dark consciousness that abounds with less evolved humans as well as assist the evolution of those trying to tune into truth in its many forms.

As God personified himself in the soul of every human being, so to fulfill His purpose in creation He personified in many divine forms His Multifaceted personality as the Creator, through which to govern the universal structure. Joining the ranks of these God-Manifested angels and deities are the souls of liberated human beings who when freed choose not to dissolve their natures in the infinite, but to remain in the higher realms of creation to work for the upliftment of still evolving souls.” Paramahansa Yogananda from The Bhagavad-Gita Gita- Royal science of God Realization

With the extremist development of a masculine monotheism in Christianity and other major religions the love and ancient respect given to the diverse expressions of Angelic beings has been greatly diminished. Though Biblical, Zoroastrian, Islamic and Kabalistic texts refer extensively to angels. As have many recognized saints of all faiths also exclaimed great joy in being given advice and help from angels who have visited them.

An in depth pan-religious study and research on these beings of light seems to have been shunned down the ages. This is partly due to an exaggerated recognition and disdain for the so called Pagan traditions that also revered higher invisible beings. Coupling this institutional theological disdain for open discussion that could have developed a conflict via spiritual or differing comparisons. The cultural lack of sympathy with the feminine matriarchal angelic paradigm could have also weakened the male dominated religious authorities. Though references to Angels or Devas of the Lord or Divine Mother are referred to commonly in all major religions and are an inspiring and unifying link between them all. Many religionists have preferred to not see the obvious and harmonizing similarities between the faiths, and the ignoring of Angels and how they have historically interwoven their aid in the world’s scriptures is but another example of narrowly exaggerating religious differences. Of course Angelic beings do not usually have wings but this identifying symbol has been associated with their ability to travel at the speed of thought.

Some Hindus call the Devas, Angels or Demi- Gods that are celestial beings with supernatural powers and Divine attunement.

In Zoroastrianism there are different angel-like animals. For example, each person has one guardian angel, called Fravashi. They patronize human beings and other creatures, and also manifest God’s energy. Also, the Amesha Spentas have often been regarded as angels (they don't convey messages), but are rather emanations of Ahura Mazda ("Wise Lord", God); they appear in an abstract fashion in the religious thought of Zarathustra and then later (during the Achaemenid period of Zoroastrianism) became personalized, associated with an aspect of the divine creation (fire, plants, water, magic, being happy...).

Once the doctrine of monotheism was formally expressed in Hebrew thought the love and reverence for angles lessened as the ridiculous concept of a jealous god took hold and any expression of love and appreciation for his higher servants was interpreted as a slight and lack of respect, in the period immediately before and during the Exile (Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and Isaiah 43:10), we find angels prominent in the Book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel, as a prophet of the Exile, may have been influenced by the hierarchy of supernatural beings in the Babylonian religion, and perhaps even by the angelology of Zoroastrianism. It is important to understand that even Satan is permitted by God in order to add contrast and courage to the human race. And thus the role of all beings to help the god in others is merely an extension of a hierarchy of lower and higher beings assisting each other to the journey back to our source.


If you enjoyed the quality Angels wallpapers. Press here to view miniaturized 10 picture sample of Angels moving screensaver that can play on your monitor.

A full size 39 picture version of this Angels screensaver can be purchased for $3.00

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These images are provided free of charge as wallpapers only by . They are not good print quality as they are only 72 dpi resolution. They are only to be used for wallpaper desktop screen backgrounds. They are legally protected by copyright which will be assertively enforced if they are printed for resale, put on websites or marketed or promote other services or products without prior written permission from Nick Hodgson of Astrogems. Astrogems has compiled these images from its stock of copyrighted hand painted oil paintings. To delete or crop out the copyright is breach ofthe legally enforceable copyright terms.
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