For any questions or comments regarding navaratnas or astrological gems please contact Nick Hodgson at:[email protected]
Or you can whatsapp Nick at +17605095091
If you live in India or the Middle East, you can contact our Office in Jaipur, Rajastan. Anubhuti Jain (Operations Manager) [email protected], Akshay Sharma (Manager) To do so email: Akshay Sharma (Manager) directly at [email protected]
Or you can call Akshay Sharma (Manager) directly who is the manager of the Astrogems Jaipur Indian Office at +918769396085
If you live in the UAE, Akshay can give you the contact info for our astrological gem office in Dubai.
Or if you prefer, you may fill out the form below.
We will never share or sell your personal information for marketing, spam or invasion of privacy.
Recently due to our Skype video usage or the inexpensive Whatsapp availability, a lot of international clients have had questions to ask Nick. If you have already received your gem analysis report and have read the website extensively and would like to chat to Nick please be sure to have sent your full astrogems report onto nick. at [email protected] Please understand Nick is very busy so please only call only if you are sincere in acquiring an effective Astrological Navaratna Bangle for minimising your negative karma.
For any questions or comments regarding three metal bangle repairs please contact us at: [email protected]
All shopping cart purchase enquiries can go directly to Akshay.
To get a free quote for a nine gemstone astrological bangle to minimise your negative karma, you can cut and paste the FREE 16 page horoscope and send it to Nick Hodgson at [email protected]. I can then review it for remedial optimization of negative karma from this stage forward of your life. Please be sure to include the 9 gemstone recommended weights for the free no strings attached quote. To ensure your privacy. I can not see your horoscope unless you send it to me.
1106 Second St.
Encinitas, CA, USA 92024
Office: 760-509-5091
Email Address:[email protected] |