Asked Questions
noticed that though Paramahansa Yogananda wore a nine gem astrological
bangle, a three metal bangle and the lead and silver bangle
that he refers to in the Autobiography of a Yogi... Self-realization
Fellowship only sells the three metal astrological bangle made
of gold. Silver and copper. Could you explain why they do not
promote the nine gem bangle? And could you also explain how
they are different in their effect?
Well obviously I am not authorized to speak for the society Yogananda
spent the better part of his incarnation training disciples to
carry on. As an SRF member I can venture some observations and
allow you to conclude your perspective. Yogananda recommended to
certain individuals that they would benefit from wearing a three
metal astrological bangle. It is made of three wires of pure gold,
silver and copper and is sometimes called (in very bad taste) the
Yogananda bangle. Tara Mata, one of his leading disciples, once
mentioned in an old edition of East West magazine that gold represented
the sun, silver the moon and copper was for Mars.
So right here we have three planets and not the vibratory representations
of nine. However metals seem to have a different influence to gemstones.
We all know that metals have conductive properties and it is presumed
by some that the three metal bangle is especially useful for conducting
excessive static of certain types of electricity in the body. Swami
Sri Yukteswar wrote in “The Holy Science” that we have
five different types of electricity in the body. And on this front
I feel that the bangle is a good mechanism for helping to balance
out these electricities. Yogananda also mentioned that the astral
light of pure metals was beneficial to the wearer. One would assume
based on the term astral light that the benefit is not just of
the conductive influence but also of the radiating electro magnetic
effect. It is interesting to note that those who seem to have physical
challenges are the ones that have had the bangle recommended to
them over the years by senior SRF monastics. And that SRF is very
careful not to allow a slavish attraction develop to the need in
getting a bangle.
To read details on how to aquire a three metal bangle click here.
Because they can be very expensive, it can be an awkward thing
to recommend.
For example if only one member of the family is in SRF, and say
for instance this person is the breadwinner with other financial
responsibilities, if they purchase the three metal bangle their
spouse may differ assertively that the college education fund for
their son should take precedence, etc. Hence it is easy to see
why the organization may be obliged to take a very neutral stance
on the issue of the usefulness of the three metal astrological
bangle so as to not confuse the science of karmic benefit with
the personal family issues of the member.
Swami Sri Yukteswar wore an astrological nine gem bangle. It is
referenced in Mejda when Richard Wright was asked to guard his
body after his mahasamadhi. It has been said that he also asked
Yogananda to wear one and that he did so out of obedience to his
Guru. However it is well known that Yogananda was very critical
to the fatalistic influences of following astrologers as so many
of them in his experience were not able to inspire people to change
but more inclined to make them blindly inert, too accepting of
their karmic pattern.
He never mentioned it that I know of, but I am sure he also would
have observed the commonly corrupt practice of astrologers benefiting
from selling gemstones via third parties and milking their clients
in other such unprofessional ways. As certain practices seem not
to die out very readily!
But back to the issue of difference between the bangles. I personally
wear both and have observed via the nearly two thousand clients
that we have made nine gem bangles for, of which a few hundred
have also worn the three metal bangle, that there is a distinct
difference between them.
When people wear the three metal bangle sometimes it may heat up
as it takes on their electrical field. This is an interesting phenomena
that I have observed in several testimonials. I have personally
done biofeedback monitoring exercises with very sensitive computer
software and noticed that the graphs show my electrical meridians
to be more balanced and stronger when wearing it. So I am very
happy to have mine and definitely feel it helps me to be more strong
and protected, etc.
One story I heard was of a fellow getting blood poisoning in his
hand and seeing the dark blood condition spread up his veins towards
his shoulder. However when the dark blue color spreading up his
veins got to his bangle, it stopped and couldn’t get past
it. The doctor seemed to get very excited and called the other
doctors to witness the strange phenomenon.
Paramahansa Yogananda wrote a letter to Rajarsi Janakananda encouraging
him to wear a three metal bangle and his explanation is very interesting.
It would be a major political hot potato for SRF to promote in
any manner the nine gem bangles. They are pricey and it is an area
where trust in the integrity of the jewel seller is tantamount.
Thus it is a field rife with opportunism, strong opinions, and
On our website we go into excessive detail in order to be sure
the prospective client does not have unrealistic expectations.
And it is for this reason that when I discuss the benefits of bangles
I mute testimonial feedback I get from some of the more enthusiastic
clients in order to tailor down the expectations. Having said this.
The nine gem bangle very clearly works on both the mental and physical
bodies. However it is supposed by many that it has far more karmic
mitigating influence in the psychological area than the physical.
I would like to give an example here. When Paramahansa Yogananda
wrote in the Autobiography of a Yogi.
“By a number of means - by prayer, by will power, by yoga meditation,
by consultation with saints, by use of astrological bangles - the adverse effects
of past wrongs can be minimized or nullified.
Just as a house can be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock
of lightning, so the bodily temple can be benefited by various
protective measures. Ages ago our yogis discovered that pure metals
emit an astral light which is powerfully counteractive to negative
pulls of the planets. Subtle electrical and magnetic radiations
are constantly circulating in the universe; when a man's body is
being aided, he does not know it; when it is being disintegrated,
he is still in ignorance. Can he do anything about it?
This problem received attention from our rishis; they found helpful
not only a combination of metals, but also of plants and - most
effective of all - faultless jewels of not less than two carats.
The preventive uses of astrology have seldom been seriously studied
outside of India. One little-known fact is that the proper jewels,
metals, or plant preparations are valueless unless the required
weight is secured, and unless these remedial agents are worn next
to the skin."
One will notice that he referenced that the rishis had discovered
jewels as being the most effective mechanical method for mitigating
karma of all different physical materials. But why is this and
how have we seen it to be true?
Well obviously anything physical has limitations and the same is
the case with gemstones.
When I sell a bangle that gives mahasamadhi I shall definitely
be surprised! Testimonial feedback is the main tool we use as only
consciousness can measure consciousness. The seat of all suffering
is in the mind. The source of all karma is how the mind reacts
to circumstances. Without the ego mind there can be no attached
The electromagnetic radiations of the gemstones touching the skin
seem to lessen the impact of how karma attaches itself to the mind.
I have hundreds of examples but will relate one I heard last week
from a new client. She worked in an office in New York. She had
a supervisor that seemed to relish his authority a little too much
and abuse it to the degree that he would be very rude and intimidating.
He would even shout and be somewhat abusive. And though she had
great, very high paying job offers elsewhere, she didn’t
want to leave as this job was close to home and she had so many
close friends there. She noticed that for the months before she
got the bangle, the once or twice a month that she had to interact
with this individual she would go home and take the unpleasantness
of the experience with her and dwell on it in a depressed and uncomfortable
manner. Usually it would be over before she got to bed but it would
still make her evening unpleasant.
After she got the bangle she was very surprised to notice that
this fellow didn’t seem to get her goat as much and that
she certainly didn’t let if faze her after she left the office.
This is a classic example of how karma works. We think so often
that it is what happens to us when if fact it is how we react to
what happens to us and this is the what the bangle seems to change
by degrees.
I have never extensively heard this type of testimonial feedback
from wearers of the three metal bangle. So obviously they must
work in different ways.
For more information on the three metal bangle sometimes recommended by Paramahansa Yogananda please click here.
A great way to get further understanding on this subject is to
read the page called: What
the yoga masters have to say
to Frequently Asked Questions