Asked Questions
there other forms of positive action one might take in addition
to wearing, or in place of, gems?
saints and sages of India advocated that the best remedial
agents for happiness, and its evolutionary peak-Enlightenment-are:
wisdom-guided self-discipline, improving one's character,
correct behavior, yoga meditation (especially with the
use of pranayama), devotional worship, prayer, and other
life-changing disciplines. This wise advice still, and
always, is true. However, added to these were some unusual
agents that are unconventional in Western thinking. The
interesting thing about these other remedial agents are
their passive characteristics. It doesn't take any effort
to wear a gem (or gems); it doesn't take effort to use
herbs or wear metal bangles. Neither does it take effort
to have a pujari priest do pujas for you (for planetary
pujas I strongly recommend the pujas offered from theAmmachi
the rishis stressed, above all else, is that an intelligent person
interested in his/her evolution should make it a life study to
enthusiastically pursue the aids towards enlightenment to use
all the information on his "life-map" in order to reach his or
her goal.
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