www.astrogems.com is offering to selected websites a cost free and profitable associate opportunity by offering a free no strings 16 page Vedic Horoscope to all your site visitors.
After the visitor has filled out the birth data form for a free personalized 16 page Vedic horoscope with planetary gemstone recommendations on your site and is interested enough to pursue buying a customized Ayurvedic Astrological jewelry item.
Your website will have their email tracked to it and you will receive a 5 % commission fee sent out at the time of sale payment.
Most of our sales are over $2000 and thus your business would get a check of over $100 on the payout day for a sale of this amount.
This Free Vedic horoscope offers a lot of informative analysis concerning the individual’s karmic pattern. And because of this appreciation your site traffic may increase, some of your visitors may well tell others about this great free service by visiting your site and thus increase your site traffic.
We have simplified this service so that this free horoscope webpage does not need to be connected to your shopping cart. It is seamless and is easy to upload anywhere you want it on your site.
To get it we merely supply you with a unique URL ID webpage so you can put the page anywhere on your site.
We also supply another unique ID webpage that allows you to access the names and email addresses of those who have filled out the free horoscope form, from your site should you ever want to verify your commissions.
We have perfected this service into a simple verifiable tracking system so that you can see the names and emails of persons who have filled out the free horoscope form from your website. But you won’t really need to as we will research all our sales for source of contact.
Only when your customers receive the 16 page horoscope by email the next day are they likely if they want to be inclined to visit www.astrogems.com. So this free service is designed to not encourage your visitors from leaving your site.
Your only minimal cost is to have your web builder load the already built horoscope application page, this should not take more than 15 minutes to a web builder who knows what they are doing.
We have tried to make it as simple as uploading an already built page onto your site.
This horoscope application page will not interfere with your shopping cart and will be a standalone page but it can also be customized by your web developer.
It can be placed anywhere on your site and will make you site more dynamic and not so static.
We generally make a sale every 100 free horoscopes from applicants in western countries. With Each sale being from $500 to $5000. Astrogems has supplied well over 100,000 Vedic horoscopes online to date from just our website and we have realized this great service should be more available via other sites. Our associates deserve a commission reward for attracting visitors to their site and this is one way to do it. We cannot offer a bigger commission as we are very competitively priced in the quality of gemstones that we sell. So please don’t even ask. We do however for genuine retailers offer the commission to be 10% of the sale if the retail outlet wants to do an order from our popular wholesale website of www.heartsforlove.com.
Astrogems is a unique supplier of ayurvedic astrological jewelry and because of its customized nature does not compete with retail jewelry.
Fairly soon we also have available a Vedic Astrological Compatibility programme in which each time the application form is paid out the website will get $8 payment. Those that apply the Free Ayurvedic Astrological Horoscope page will be given preferential placement with this soon to be released opportunity.
To see a sample of the page that would load onto your site please go to :
Please email your enquiries to [email protected] if you have a website for us to review. And would like to investigate this opportunity.