- Vedic Astrology
"The real Hindu astrologers make a scientific study of the law of causation governing human actions and they are not satisfied with telling you the past or predicting your future only. They teach you the art of averting an unwelcome event or stimulating the fruition of a desirable event coming to you as a result of your past evil or good actions. Good astrologers tell their students only what will benefit them, and do not like to satisfy idle curiosity. They say there is no use in telling you what is coming to you anyway unless one can also show you the way to control or regulate your self-created destiny. Otherwise ignorance is bliss."
East - West magazine: January-April 1927 Vol 2 By Paramahansa Yogananda

rishis developed Jyotish (literally: the science of light),
being the forerunner of modern Western astrology by at least
3,000 years. They also identified the prevailing gem attributes,
their vibrational energy fields and the planetary radiations
they harmonize with. Jyotish thereby allowed for the prescription
of specific gems to counteract any badly placed planetary positions
in a person's chart.
It is
important to note that the ancient Jyotish gem prescription system
subscribed to by most reputable Vedic astrologers, should not
be confused with the Western planetary gemstone system which
has, regrettably, become widely accepted. Its origin is partially
attributed to the early Hebrew civilization. That area's limited
access to gem varieties, coupled with the lack of remedial gem
understanding by its adherents and practitioners, has cast great
doubt on its usefulness, particularly by Jyotish scholars. The
Western system was essentially incorporated as an exercise in
commercial opportunism by the American National Retail Jewelers'
Association in 1912, a situation which exists to this day. Usually
in Western astrology the cusp of a new sign starts around the
22nd of each month. As the Western system (A.N.R.J.A.) represents
the month, and not the sign, it cannot seriously be considered
astrologically representative. Western
astrology gains its influences from the classic Greek civilization
of less than 3000 years ago. Several scholars have suggested
its foundation was gleaned from both the Babylonian and Egyptian
cultures. Ancient history, however, goes back even further to
suggest that though astronomy and astrological science were changed
greatly by time and the cultural boundaries of these later civilizations,
originally they were already highly advanced in the civilization
along the Indus river 6000 years ago.
For those who struggle with the concept that our future karma is resident in the Chakras waiting to resonate with planetary radiations which can catalyse these recordings into fruition........here is a passage from Paramahansa Yogananda.......via... GOD TALKS WITH ARJUNA, Chapter 3, Verse 11, page-354
In any case, it is not the stars themselves that control the happenings in man's life, but rather his individual karma that, when ripe for fruition, is affected beneficially or adversely by the electromagnetic vibrations of the heavenly bodies. The relation of the stars to the human body and mind is very subtle. The astral forces radiating to the earth from the heavens interact with those in the spinal centers that sustain man's body. Ignorant man does not realize how body and mind are changed through his good and bad actions, and how his actions affect positively or negatively—the centers of the spine. Persons whose bodies and minds and material environment are out of order, the result of transgressions of spiritual law, have inharmony between the energies in the spinal centers and those radiating from the twelve signs of the zodiac.
To clarify this short quote. All past actions , thoughts and deeds are recorded in our chakras. It is those recordings that can resonate to planetary radiations. The planets have no ill will or interest in us. They merely have radiations that when they pass through our chakras can resonate to our karmic recordings . And it is this resonation process that catalyses the past karma into manifestation. Astrology is the study of the blueprints for our karmic destiny. If we can supplement our waveform recordings in a way to prevent the planet's radiations from resonating with our negative past karma . Then we can avoid many negative karmic developments. Certain gemstones and metals touching the electrical body via the skin can strengthen the weaker karmic recordings and tune out the negative planetary radiations.
Remedial use of precious gemstones for healing and karmic change is an ancient science in India. According to legend the Goddess Parvati, consort of Lord Shiva , asked him to find a new way to alleviate humankind’s suffering.
According to the ancient texts of the Ratna Rasayna and Damar Tantra, wearing gems in contact with the skin offers a unique bounty of electromagnetic radiations via their molecular intelligent alignment, giving a supplementary boost of needed energy or resonance that stimulates the glands and other parts of the body into a more vital balance. This energy absorption occurs via the chakras along the spine, from which all the organs draw their needed different energy requirements.
The ancient Kurma Purana explains that all creation is made of rays or radiations, in complete agreement with the more modern outlook of quantum physics, namely that these rays or waves are the foundation of our material and ether-based Universe.

Principally there are nine rays or the nine colors of the rainbow (infra-red, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and ultra-violet) which, when harmonically balanced, create white (visible) light. As well as the color vibrations of the nine planets, there are the seven notes of music (Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Sa), the seven systems of Ayurveda (Chyle, Blood, Flesh, Fat, Bone, Marrow, Sperm), the five panchbhutas (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether), the five primeval Vayus (Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana), and the five senses (Smell, Taste, Touch, Sight, and Hearing).
All of these energy systems can resonate and complement the nine cosmic colors and when out of balance can be stimulated to greater balance and strength through the use of astrological ayurvedic gemstones, as well as other stimuli such as pujas, mantras, affirmations, positive thinking, prayer, herbs, bio-energy healing, blessings from saints or advanced souls, fasting, and so on. The evolution of humanity has interacted and developed with the subtle environmental electrical influences of the planets. Because most humans do not realize that our life force or vitality is electrical in nature, they do not follow a lifestyle or scientific interest that is strengthening and uplifting to it .
All radiations that have a frequency of pure color can be used in a strengthening, vitalizing, balancing, and healing manner. The use of benign rays for optimum equilibrium keeps the mind and body healthy. Our absorption of these rays is continually adjusting dependent on our karmic blueprint, formed by past thoughts, words, and actions in previous lives and in this one. When our receptivity to these essential life giving rays is limited due to negative past karma, it is then that a gemstone's subtle electromagnetic radiation can be most helpful.
historian and philosopher Will Durant, in his book The
Case for India, wrote,
was the mother of Europe's languages; she was the mother
of our philosophy, mother, through the Arabs, of much of
our mathematics (Arabic numerals in fact came from India!),
mother... of the ideals embodied in Christianity, mother,
through the village community, of self-government and democracy." |
astrology (Jyotish), however, has the unique claim to have been
established by illumined sages of self-realization whose intuitive
rationale appears to be the oldest record of this cosmic science.
To briefly
explain how different the two systems are, the more psychologically
leaning Western astrology generally uses the Tropical Zodiac,
and the more specifically predictive Vedic astrology uses the
Sidereal Zodiac. These zodiacs differ by 23 degrees. Thus a person
can have an Aries sun sign in the Western system and a Pisces
in the Eastern system. Of course, in both systems one can get
useful readings for great benefit, however, only in the Vedic
system has there been a 6000 year old respected use of remedial
gems for afflicted planets to alleviate the individual's negative
karma and thus strengthen their chart as a whole.
to Vedic astrology, during the different yugas, man's ability
to receive sufficient cosmic energy via the planetary and stellar
radiations is controlled by the amount and balance being projected
during that particular yuga.
analogy of the way the needed planetary recipe descends upon
the earth is to compare the individual planetary rays to the
different colors of a rainbow. During the Satya Yuga (golden
age), when man's spiritual, mental and physical health should
reach its height, it is greatly helped by the fact that the colors
are of a rich strong tone, whereas in Kali Yuga (Dark Age), the
same rainbow will be much less vibrant and more of a weak pastel
nature. During such a cosmic deficiency, fruit will take longer
to ripen, plants and animals will grow more slowly, healing will
take much longer and misunderstanding and misery will be much
more prevalent. And especially in the Kali Yuga, truth in its
many forms, if disguised with any subtlety, will be uncomprehended.
At the
beginning of every yuga there is a sandhi (mutation period of
adjustment) while man sheds the previous yuga's ways of thinking
and institutions. Swami Sri Yukteswar wrote that in the Dwapara
Yuga the human intellect will be able to comprehend the fine
matters, or electricities and their attributes, which are the
creating principles of the external world.
from the point of timing, it is easy to see why a service specializing
in the karmically mitigating electro-magnetic radiation of
gem bangles has not been able to gain a foothold in the West
earlier in this yuga.
In the
recent Kali Yuga, because of the weak cosmic radiation having
been received by the Earth, the astro-physical influence strongly
affected man's lifespan. It was much shorter and his mental virtues
(intelligence and pursuit of dharma) were also only one-quarter
in the present Dwapara Yuga, man's mental virtue will double
and become half complete. His life-span and health will also
afford the opportunity to improve dramatically. According to
Sri Yukteswars placement of the yugas in his book The Holy
Science, he explains clearly that we have been in Dwapara
Yuga for 296 years (1996). Hence, as one can see from the great
changes in society over the last two hundred years, a very obvious
transition in man's consciousness is developing. Naturally the
likely impact of any astrological influence can be changed by
man, gems and metals being only two of the methods. Best of all
procedures is the use of correctly guided will power. However
if, as in Vedic philosophy, intelligence is measured by the attainment
of permanent bliss, history shows these great souls to be a rarity.
And thus the Vedas suggest many practical aids to reach this
Of course,
applying the advice of saints, correctly practiced yoga meditation,
affirmations, sincere prayer, correctly guided will power, Japa,
pujas, suitable diet and judicious fasting are also especially
beneficial practices to destroy karma, but these procedures require
effort. Therefore many Vedic astrologers also recommend gems
and metals as a more passive, but potent way of lessening karmic
An often
overlooked fact is that through the change of a person's physical
vibrations by absorbing the beneficial and strengthening gem's
radiation, their resolve to tread their correctly guided path
can be significantly enhanced.
To read extensive quotes from Paramahansa Yogananda And Swami Sri Yukteswar about the benefits of wearing astrological gemstones and who both wore nine gem bangles click here.
