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Amusing Photos

Hard to believe these are flat, not 3 D.

More chalk drawings from Julian Beever. Scroll down slowly and stop at each new frame. Incredible!!!!!
Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavement of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium. Beever gives to his drawings an amazing 3D illusion.

People are actually avoiding walking in the "hole"

Which is the real guy & which beer is real?

The image above has been taken from a wrong angle

Remember, both his feet in reality are flat on the pavement

Politicians Meeting Their End

World's Biggest Fly-Spray

This drawing of a Rescue was to be viewed using an inverting mirror

girl on a beach mat.

Make Poverty History drawing from the side(40 ft long)

Make Poverty History drawing from the side(40 ft long)

Spiderman to the rescue

Batman and Robin to the rescue(SO COOL)

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