Few of
us understand how the transfer of electromagnetism from gems touching
the skin can harmoniously improve our physical, psychological and
spiritual health. In the unending quest to improve the quality of
our lives, many of us don't stop to analyze our karmic patterns;
indeed, most of us are reluctant to take note of the repetitive events
and unchanging characteristics of our lives. Our karma is reflected
in our personality, interests, likes and dislikes, character, environment
and opportunities. It attracts positive or negative circumstances
into our lives by the sheer force of magnetism--a magnetism we ourselves
have built by a gradual accumulation of the inherent vibrations of
the way we habitually react to circumstances and events.
No detailed
scientific explanations have been offered, so far in this age,
of how precious gems are able to rearrange and re-orient our
negative karmic patterns into positive patterns which can heal
our ills and improve our lives. As the study of gem therapy encompasses
several fields of research not usually grouped together, a full
scientific understanding of the healing potential of gems may
well require an unusually wide scope of investigation, ranging
from the macrocosmosm astrophysics to the microcosm of atomic
is broad agreement among the worlds spiritual teachings--such
as Jesus teaching that "We do not live by bread alone "--
that our lives are dependent on sustenance from beyond the merely
physical realm. In addition to food, water, air and sunlight,
we require unseen vital rays to sustain our mental, emotional
and physical well being. These vital rays--subtle cosmic radiation
received from various sources in space--combine to influence
our attitudes, behavior and chosen environment. A large part
of this cosmic radiation
"blend" is electromagnetic radiation from the planets.
This planetary radiation has a definite impact on our ever-changing
psychological dispositions, not only as individuals but as nations
as well. A well-known example is the effect on people of the moons
major phases, which is so strong that many consciously experience
it. Sunspots, although of minor astrological significance, have
also been shown to significantly affect us. Historically, even
comets have been subject to some scrutiny in relation to their
influence on the human mind and world events.
our receptivity to beneficial planetary radiation
If a
persons astrological chart shows his or her receptivity
to beneficial planetary radiation is weakened or out of balance,
then that receptivity can be balanced and strengthened by the
natural electromagnetic radiation emanating from specific, correlative
gems. Just as we need many different vitamins and minerals to
sustain our physical requirements, so also, as the rishis (illumined
sages of ancient India) explained, we utilize different forms
of invisible energy to stimulate and aid our mental, spiritual
and physical dispositions.
science does not struggle to attain a synthesis of scientific
and spiritual understanding, but aims instead for an institutionalized
specialization of inquiry. Such an inquiry tricks us intellectually
into separating the unifying pervasiveness of consciousness in
creation into a pseudo "caste system" of understanding
("this is organic, that inorganic; this is conscious, that
unconscious," etc.). Because of this, it becomes difficult
to think of our environment, be it animal, vegetable, mineral
or space itself, as a conscious field that deeply effects our
level of well being. But the further one steps back from this
myopic focus, to view the whole picture, the more one can see
that the divisionist approach to comprehending life can separate
us not only from lifes pulse but also, most unfortunately,
from its deeper meaning and significance.
scientists may describe the growth process of a crystal in meticulous
detail, yet not comprehend the universal, conscious Intelligence
guiding it to its completion, nor its conscious influence on
our personal environment (the self). Such a lack of comprehension
of the underlying Force and Mind behind creation is seen, by
those who do comprehend it, to be an abdication of our God-given
faculties of feeling and intuitive perception.
have been so deeply hypnotized by their more easily verifiable
theories about the physical universe, that they have developed
a cynical disdain for the vast possibilities inherent in the
metaphysical domain. But anyone who has sincerely practiced positive
affirmations, used mantras, or lovingly practiced
"the presence of God," can testify to the wonderful results
of such exercises on the body, mind and spirit. In a like manner
we can benefit from the unseen influences of even physical instruments
which produce helpful electromagnetic rays, if we can acquire an
instrument which is powerful enough, and of the correct blend of
radiation to be helpful to our particular electromagnetic "signature" (which
corresponds to our karmic weaknesses and strengths).
forms of energy
though scientists have discovered many different forms of energy,
new ones may yet be discovered. Measuring instruments have yet
to be designed which are sensitive enough to detect the subtle
electromagnetic emanations from the planets and from gems. For
more than two thousand years man has been aware of the attractive
force of magnetised iron. In recent years new ceramic materials
incorporating boron and beryllium have been discovered to be
even more magnetic. When we consider the existence of this hitherto
unknown magnetic attribute of simple inorganic materials, it
does not seem so implausible that there could be beneficial electromagnetic
influences passed from inorganic gems to the complex organic
structures which our bodies are made of Paramahansa Yogananda
wrote in his Autobiography of a Yogi, "Pearls and other
jewels, as well as metals and plants, applied directly to the
human skin, exercise an electromagnetic influence over the physical
cells. Man's body contains carbon and various metallic elements
that are present also in plants, metals, and jewels. The discoveries
of the rishis [illumined sages] in these fields will doubtless
receive confirmation some day from physiologists. Man's sensitive
body, with its electrical life currents, is a center of many
mysteries as yet unexplored."
is at an impasse in either quantifying or qualifying the remedial
influences of gems and pure metals because, although the human
mind can experience conscious reactions, these phenomena are
not yet empirically measurable. It may be true that only consciousness
can measure consciousness. At any rate, instruments have not
yet been discovered that can adequately measure the influences
of gems on the human condition.
great yogis of India, who have displayed miraculous powers and
shown their ability to subtly transcend material laws, have explained
that man has three bodies: causal, astral and physical. They
state that it is the astral and causal bodies which determine
the "blueprint" for the physical body's creation. Just
as the physical body is primarily composed of sixteen chemical
elements, so the causal has sixteen "electrical"
precursor ideas or powers. The astral body has directive functions
(electrical instruments of intelligence), which govern the five
physical senses, our ability to move our muscles, and, with particular
regard to the subtle life force of gems, the five forms of prana
(vital airs or chi). It is these five forms of prana which direct
and control the vitality of the five essential bodily functions
of crystallization, assimilation, elimination, metabolism and circulation.
source of the body's physical strengths and weaknesses
health is in great measure dependent on a well-toned balance
of these five types of prana. The complex electromagnetic field
(the astral body) in which the physical body is encased, is the
source of all the body's physical strengths and weaknesses. This
astral body, which includes the chakras (the seven cerebro-spinal,
astral centers of the human body), holds a record of all our
karma, and releases it appropriately into the physical body when
stimulated by the macrocosm (planetary radiation being a part
of the macrocosm). The body often has an insufficient ability
to tap into the vibratory cosmic energy it needs. Its supply
can be supplemented with a like radiation from specific gems,
if these gems are of sufficient weight and are worn firmly in
contact with the skin.
created the cosmos first by manifesting thought or ideas, then
by giving each idea a different intelligent vibratory consciousness,
and finally by condensing this consciousness into material form.
As it says in the Bible: "In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God All things
were made by him , and without him was not anything made that
was made." (John 1:1,3) The "Word," in this passage,
is referring to the intelligent vibratory consciousness, otherwise
known as the
"Amen," "Aum" or "Om."
vibratory media can be utilized medically to cure or alleviate
many ailments, which is why people can be helped by such a variety
of vibratory media as homeopathy, gems, color healing, essential
flower oils, sound, and herbal tinctures. The FDA reflects a
more materialistic consciousness when it manipulates the ruling
medical disciplines into favoring the more scientifically understandable,
commercially exploitable, chemical and physical approaches to
healing. Unfortunately for this approach, healing is more often
the result of the regenerative intelligence of healing energy
than of biochemical manipulation, which doesnt change the
cause of the problem. The lack of understanding of this has severely
retarded the development of less intrusive healing arts.
a newscaster speaks, often each listener will hear a "different
story," based on how he or she relates to the subject matter.
In this article, I will often examine situations from the perspective
of how we relate to something, since a failure in how we relate,
can be a major obstacle to our understanding of the use of crystal
energy. History shows how the conventional wisdom is repeatedly
overturned by new discoveries--discoveries of laws that always
existed but needed a new way of looking at the universe, a new "attitude," before
they could be seen and understood. The physical sciences form
a tightly knit empirical structure which can be used to predict
extensions to the structure, and to create new materials and
systems. Within its domain it is incredibly powerful, but it
is a closed system which doesnt concern itself with knowledge
outside its domain. Yet it is often through great scientists
awareness of phenomena beyond the understanding of current science
that great extensions to the domain of science are made. Lesser
scientists are often limited by the boundaries of current knowledge,
and consider research into the soul-body connection "unscientific" and "New
is a vast interconnected network, each part influencing the other
visibly or invisibly, in a manner often too subtle for the intellect
to comprehend. Different rates of consciousness flower into different
vibratory units of energy. Scientists tell us that there is enough
energy in a ton of water to power the earth's energy requirements
for a whole year, if only we knew how to tap into it. It is obvious
that energy is an integral part of the fabric of creation, and
that we are still only scratching the surface of how to understand
and utilize it.
and Religion have traditionally maintained separate approaches,
each resentful of being ridiculed or interfered with by the other;
the empirical and clinical versus revealed truth, faith, and
super-conscious experience. Science analyzes external observations,
while a genuine religion discovers higher truths through the
intuitive and experiential faculties of higher levels of spiritual
consciousness. Some scientists ridicule the idea of a connection
between the body and the soul or that this connection may have
an influence on our health and well being. However, although
the existence of the astral and causal bodies cannot be proven
by the intellect alone, or detected by physical instruments,
this in no way precludes their existence.
actions from past lives will reverberate internally until finding
outward expression in our mental and physical character. Many
people say they can intuitively "read" a persons
karmic history from their eyes and face. The expression of intelligence
and love of ideals written in the eyes, and the strong will in
the chin, for instance, have come from deeply ingrained actions
and repetitive thoughts in this life and in past lives, sculpting
their influence in the physical body via the astral.
karmic push and pull of repulsion and attraction is a vibratory
manifestation of consciousness, which even molds our molecular
makeup (iridology and palmistry provide evidence for this). Many
clinical psychotherapists contend that a deep resentment (from
an unpleasant karmic "payback"), which acts like "a
cancer on the mind," may eventually produce an actual cancer
in the body. But, like the use of gems for therapy, this contention
is not empirically provable to the satisfaction of Western scientific
academia. It is, nonetheless, a real effect, producing real cancers!
Fortunately, many have found that their unpleasant karma can
be altered in a positive way by the subtle magnetic resonance
of correct thoughts, right behavior, prayer, meditation, nutritious
whole foods, flower essences (such as aroma and Bach flower remedies),
healing herbs, and by wearing certain gems next to their skin.
and Indian Ayurvedic medicine use a host of media to enhance
the vital airs in order to bring health and healing. However
gems and metals can be effortlessly used, on a steady basis (worn
permanently next to the skin) to achieve the same benefits. The
great mystic, Edgar Cayce, was an early twentieth century pioneer
of the art of gem healing (among other talents). He said: "[Gems]
make... the body more sensitive to the higher vibrations."
modern science is catching up with ancient wisdom
science is currently unable to comment objectively on the subject
of the remedial influence of gems and metals, it is at least
in agreement with the wisdom of ancient India on the source of
all energy. Millenniums ago in India the rishis (fully illumed
sages, authors of the Vedas and other Scriptures) explained that
all forms of energy originate via the essence of light. In our
times some theoretical physicists have describe light (electromagnetic
waves radiating through space, governed by the laws of physics)
as the medium which brings consciousness into form (matter).
In 1983,
Dr. David Bohm, a professor of physics at the University of London,
spoke of matter as "frozen light." This seemingly radical
statement is really just a slight extension of Einsteins
famous theory of General Relativity, in which he showed that
matter and electromagnetic radiation are just two different states
of the same thing, the two being related by his famous equation
E=mc2, which described how much energy (E) you get
when you "melt" a given mass (m) of matter into electromagnetic
energy, and, conversely, how much energy (or light) needs to
be "frozen"
to give a certain amount of matter. The two are related by the
most important constant in the universe, the velocity of light
(c)--(186,000 miles per second).
In order
to better understand the atom, as a pre-requisite to understanding
how larger objects like gems behave, it is useful to look at
the parts of the atom. In examining a little bit of the internal "stuff" of
the atom we can see how larger atomic composites, like gems,
are not simply inert conglomerates of hard little "balls" but
are, in fact, very "alive," active and full of energy.
It is
outside the scope of this article to go into the characteristics
of the many sub-atomic particles that have been discovered to
exist within atoms. The spin factors, electrical charges, typical
modes of decay, and the average lifetimes of photons, gravitons,
and the numerous kinds of leptons, mesons, and baryons which
are within the subatomic realm of wave and particle activity,
express the dynamic pulse of micro-creation. But to gain respect
for a small area of study of the atomic universe it is worthwhile
to at least consider the electron.
are one of the three primary particles the atom is made of. As
they are not in the nucleus, but revolve around the outside of
the atom, electrons do not require very much energy to
"strip" them from the atom. Electrons have an almost
negligible mass, compared to the protons and neutrons in the nucleus,
but have a negative electrical charge exactly equal in magnitude
to the positive charge of the proton. Electrons are viewed, in
some conventional schools of scientific thought, as orbiting around
the nucleus, much like planets orbit the sun, but it is not quite
that simple. No one has ever "seen"
or photographed an electron, not even with the most powerful microscope;
its existence is inferred by observation of its effects, much like
air (which also cannot be seen) can be inferred to exist by its
effects, such as wind.
In fact
an electron is so infinitesimally small and moves at such an
incredibly high speed that no one can even predict with any assurance
where it is in its "orbit" at any moment. Its position
or "orbit" around the nucleus of the atom should be
more correctly likened to a thin, spherical
"cloud" formation or "shell", in which it could
be at almost any point, statistically, at any moment. Other scientists
see it as more accurate to describe electrons as "standing
waves"--in other words as energy, and not as matter at all.
are just a few of the more recent discoveries of this will-o-the-wisp
"entity" called the electron, which is nonetheless an
essential part of the atom. To understand the relative sizes of
the primary parts of the atom, imagine that the nucleus (a tight
little "cluster" of one or more protons and neutrons)
is proportional to the sun, then the first electron
"orbit" would be even farther away than our outermost
known planet, Pluto! This gives an accurate picture of the atom
as being almost entirely empty space, but held together by a very
powerful forces.
strictly materialist thinker will prefer not to look at atoms,
let alone gems, as forces of harmonic energy patterns (resonance)
held together by electrical, vibratory intelligence (consciousness).
Instead, he or she will prefer to compare the bonding of atoms
to something as simple as Lego toys or structural velcro. But
many highly regarded, objectively rigorous, quantum physicists
are now exposing unusual characteristics of the atom's substructure
that previously would have been considered untenable. Professor
Amit Goswamis has this to say about sub-atomic particles
in his bridge-building book, The Self- Aware Universe: "Today
modern science is venturing into realms that for more than four
millennia have been the fiefdoms of religion and philosophy.
Until the present interpretation of the new physics, the word
transcendence was seldom mentioned in the vocabulary of physics.
The term was even considered heretical." Goswami further
states that a 1982 experiment by a team of physicists in France
confirmed the idea of transcendence in quantum physics. The experiment,
conducted by Alain Aspect and collaborators, proved that two
quantum particles emitted from the same source remain inextricably
correlated: when a change is made to one particle, instantaneously
the other particle is affected similarly--even when separated
by vast distances. Goswami says, "When there is no signal
in space-time to mediate their connection where, then, exists
the instantaneous connection between correlated quantum objects
that is responsible for their signal-less action at a distance?
The succinct answer is: in the transcendent domain of reality A
consciousness that can collapse the wave function of a photon
at a distance, instantly, must itself be non-local, or transcendent."
in its pursuit of trying to be understandable and useful to all
interests, has locked itself into a system of bite-sized fields
of study and measurement. The more limited our open mindedness
to the spiritual reality of the "grand unifying theory" the
less open we are to the inter-weaving or unifying aspect of creation.
When is a measurement complete? It is actually a philosophical
question, that is misconstrued in science by a practical need
dependent on the goal of the inquirer--not necessarily on "the
whole truth" itself. As the children of a materialistic,
scientific culture we forget that consciousness is ever transcendent,
not limited to finite manifestations; because it is everywhere,
it appears nowhere. Hence, scientists say they alone will explain
what measurements they can use to circumscribe gems (or any other
objects), and from the point of view of gemology this process
of identification is important. But the questions go so much
further than this: what are the potential transcendental qualities
of these atom-structured units and how do they come about?
now scientifically established wave-particle dual nature of matter
("wavicles") has been a hard pill for the rigidly materialist
thinker to swallow. For the staunch proponent of "solid",
reliably "constant" matter, it seems impossible that
something can be known and defined alternately as a particle--a
discrete, irreducible entity occupying a finite (albeit a very
tiny) portion of space--and as a wave, which can be spread out
over a comparatively large and indefinable region of space, and
which is neither discrete nor an "entity" as such.
(In fact, "wavelike"
is a description most commonly applied to energy, not matter.)
And yet, this dualistic nature of matter is exactly what current
scientific findings are forcing us all to accept, unsettling and
paradoxical though it may be. Fritjof Capra, in The Turning Point,
situation seemed hopelessly paradoxical until it was realized
that the terms 'particle' and 'wave' refer to classical concepts
which are not fully adequate to describe atomic phenomena. An
electron is neither a particle nor a wave, but it may show particle-like
aspects in some situations and wave-like aspects in others. While
it acts like a particle, it is capable of developing its wave
nature at the expense of its particle nature, and vice versa,
thus undergoing continual transformations from particle to wave
and from wave to particle. This means that neither the electron
nor any other atomic 'object' has any intrinsic properties independent
of its environment. The properties it shows--particle-like or
wave-like--will depend on the experimental situation, that is,
on the apparatus it is forced to interact with."
than a few well-respected physicists are now publicly asserting
that the atom is not inert matter but is rather energy with incessant
vibratory motion, and that this atomic energy might better be
crudely described as "mind stuff"--because at the subatomic
level it is continuously appearing and disappearing in a way
we do not yet understand. One of the greatest hypnotic illusions
of creation is that matter is solid, tangible and constant. In
their fundamental essences all "solid"
objects are, in fact, just light (electromagnetic energy) in their
slowed down or "condensed" rates of vibration.
the above quotes from scientists, it is clear that the atom,
as matter, has a vibratory (wave) nature as well as a particle
nature, and that there is even a telepathic-like resonance between
atoms which seemingly annihilates space and time.
power of consciousness, and the influence of gems on it
is communication by means other than the physical senses. Scientists
seldom consider the "psychology" of matter. We haven't
confirmed the conscious behavior of atoms, or even plants, as
worthy areas of research. Some great pioneers have had their
findings in this area largely sidelined by the universities which
dominate the sciences. An example of this is the evidence suggesting
that plants tremble with fear when we go near them with the intention
of plucking their leaves.
publications like Autobiography of a Yogi or The Secret life
of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, give clear
insights into why we should return the protection and service
nature gives to man. Scientific awe should engender enormous
reverence and love for nature, manifesting as nurturing farming
techniques, not viewing nature with the extremely economic and
selfish aggression which is so prevalent today. Environmental
insensitivity subconsciously erodes our own loving sympathies
for grasping the conscious energy field in nature through its
animals, plants and even crystals. An example of this insensitivity
was when Prince Charles was fervently ridiculed in the English
tabloids for publicly explaining why he lovingly spoke to his
plants. Every society has its limits of understanding, and as
individuals we have to break past the norm of lower thresholds
of understanding. Saints have explained that all space has, and
is a part of, Gods consciousness. Indian saints have said that
God sleeps in the stones, dreams in man, but is fully awake in
the Self-realized, liberated man.
science is becoming liberated from cultural influences, and its
pursuit of the understanding of energy (and its origin) will
eventually give it more respect for timeless spiritual explanations.
In recent years, more and more scientists are hypothesizing that
everything in creation is, in fact, intelligent mind stuff. And
some have felt freed enough by the relentlessly focused truth-seeking
of laboratory experiments to finally understand that the evolutionary
path of each human individual is ultimately to overcome this
delusion of separation and to merge back into the cosmic consciousness
that our false self-identity (ego) has hidden from us.
evolutionary path has many processes, techniques and aids for
hastening one's progress toward the goal. Foremost among them
is the scientific, devotional practice of yoga meditation and
prayer, which with practice, develops our mind control to achieve
the birthright of self-realization. Studying the teachings of
true spiritual masters is also crucial to success. Somewhat less
important, but not neglected by earnest seekers, is the subtle
lift to the consciousness which comes from wearing atomically
symmetrical, precious gems or crystals next to the skin.
as intelligently grown crystal forms, share--by common design--unique,
patterned symmetries in their atomic lattices that structure
billions of atoms in geometric alignment. The precise structure
adopted by atoms when they link to form a crystal depends upon
which kinds of atoms are present at the time, which ones end
up in the crystal structure, and the conditions (temperature,
pressure, etc) which control the way they link together.
A sapphire
gem of five carats (one gram of sapphire crystal) is made of
10,000 million million atoms of aluminum and oxygen which have
linked together at high temperature to form a crystal structure
in a threefold repeating pattern. And we must remember that subatomic
particles are never at rest. Unlike the situation with most non-crystalline
forms of matter, this effectively allows for a greatly amplified
flow of unencumbered and regulated multi-frequency waves that
can harmonize (resonate) and strengthen the correlative beneficial
radiation that the planets shower upon the earth. Furthermore,
energy is both patterned after, and reflects, a level of consciousness.
Gems are considered, by those who study Ayurveda, to have a particularly
potent and stable resonance of energy (consciousness) due to
an exceptionally free flow of energy from their geometrically
aligned atoms. This resonant energy has either an obvious or
subtle effect on the mind (consciousness), depending on the individual
wearing the gems.
Gerber, MD, in his book, Vibrational Medicine, describes resonance
as "a phenomenon which occurs throughout nature. At the
level of the atom, we know that electrons whirl about the nucleus
in certain energetically defined orbits. In order to move an
electron from a lower to a higher orbit, a quantum of energy
with very special frequency characteristics is required. An electron
will only accept energy of the appropriate frequency to move
from one energy level to another. If the electron falls from
the higher to the lower orbit, it will radiate energy of that
very same frequency. This required atomic frequency is referred
to as the 'resonant frequency.' Atoms and molecules have special
resonant frequencies that will only be excited by energies of
very precise vibratory characteristics. For instance, the singer
who is able to shatter a wineglass by delivering a high amplitude
note does so by singing in the precise resonant frequency of
the glass.
definition of resonance has to do with the phenomenon of energy
exchanged between tuned oscillators. Let us use as an example
two perfectly tuned Stradivarius violins placed at opposite ends
of a small room. If we pluck the E string of one violin, a careful
observer will notice that the sister violin's E string will also
begin to vibrate and 'sing' in harmony. The reason that this
occurs is because the E strings of the violins are carefully
tuned and responsive to a particular frequency. The E strings
can accept energy in the E frequency because that is their resonant
frequency. The E strings of the violins are like the electrons
of the atoms. They will vibrate at a new energy level only if
they are exposed to energy of their resonant frequency."
If we
were to hypothesize that in the human body there may be a low
or weakened degree of receptivity to a frequency of needed cosmic
radiation, due to various karmic reasons, then a gem which resonates
at a frequency which is identical to that "weak link" in
the individual's bio-electronic pattern could well be the catalyst
for a definite improvement in physical, psychological and spiritual
health (Please see the Testimonials
Page). We can infer that what gems do is resonate to the
needed frequencies radiated by the planets and hence strengthen
or retune our weakened receptivity to these frequencies. Holistic
practitioners agree with the rishis of ancient India when they
explain that disease is generally a symptom of a lack, or an
excess, of a particular form of energy. The correct balance of
energy is the remedy that seems to procure the greatest health.
As Dr.
Gerber pointed out in the quote from him earlier in this article,
the sound waves of a violin's E string will activate and excite
its harmonic partner on a nearby violin. If we look at life,
we see this responsive resonance at work in our own interactions.
One of the transforming effects of meeting a saint is that we
immediately feel inspired and uplifted. This is because we begin
to resonate with the saint's higher qualities and love, which
in turn seems to magnify our own essential goodness that
is, the saint "strikes a chord" in us (related to our
good karma). In so doing the saint helps uplift our self-identity
so it is more open to higher and larger possibilities. Somewhat
like the "receiving violin" we resonate with the saint's
higher consciousness. A saints spoken advice and blessings
are received not so much through the vibration of sound but by
the subtler, unspoken vibration of his or her high spirituality.
And how many of us have noticed the "coincidence" that
when our friends laugh we usually find it infectious and laugh
with them, but that when someone not on our wavelength is laughing,
we may not be inclined to join them? The infectious laughter
occurred because of our resonant empathy (common resonance frequency)
with our friends.
- resonating with the Divine Intelligence
we pray we send out appreciation, or a request for some quality
to be improved, or a situation to learn from, and so on, and
we are sometimes amazed at how wonderfully the universal Intelligence
responds. But if we were to reflect that when we pray we are
actually resonating with the abundance of divine love and goodwill
that is readily available to everyone, and our prayers are simply
acting as the channels through which the love and goodwill flow,
then perhaps the bountiful response would not seem so astonishing.
Of course, if our mental instrument--our attunement--hasn't developed
the ability to resonate with the abundance of the Divine Intelligence,
then we should not find fault with a less than hoped for response.
people believe that a positive attitude eventually brings success
to our endeavors (some even acknowledge subtle forces at work),
no matter from whence it comes. And they also equally believe
that the reverse--a negative attitude--will bring great obstacles,
appearing as if from nowhere. Most healers who use their mental
or bodily magnetism to tap into the universal healing energy,
believe that although they don't know the color, form or texture
of the healing energy which flows through them, their pure intention
has, nonetheless, a resonance that of itself can rectify the
specific problem. They realize that to develop the ability to
attract and hold this resonating healing power, they have to
live in a pure way and maintain a high level of consciousness.
to just feel especially happy is to become aware that we are
literally resonating with joy or well being; this feeling is
the result of resonating with the residual memories of our good
past actions and thoughts, which culminates in a higher vibratory
An often-misunderstood
form of vibratory healing through the use of resonance is homeopathy.
Homeopathy recognizes that the body will resonate at a different
frequency when it is afflicted by a particular illness. It recognizes
that different virus and germs will make the body resonate at
different frequencies in an attempt to throw them off. Let's
say, in a simplified example, that Jane is normally resonating
at 300 Hertz (cycles per second) but, in order to throw off her
cold, has an immune function which responds by changing her vibratory
rate to 450 Hz, a higher frequency at which she may feel discomfort.
Homeopathic reasoning will advise that she can be helped by amplifying
her capacity to resonate at 450Hz so that she can throw off her
illness and return to balanced health more quickly. This amplification
is accomplished by having Jane ingest a homeopathic vibratory
medicine which consists of very little actual material substance
but which retains the subtle vibration of the substance. This
boosts her electromagnetic signature in such a way as to deal
with the stressed higher vibratory range. Her body is, thus,
able to make use of the higher frequency that it temporarily
needs to overcome the cold. (This same theory applies to why
it is beneficial to wear a nine-gem bangle--a navaratna--touching
the skin. The navaratna allows the body and mind to benefit by
selecting a needed frequency from the broad range available from
the nine gems working together in different combinations.)
the human body is composed of both particle and wave-like properties,
(remember the dual nature of matter), the wave-like (light-like)
properties of the body confer unique frequency characteristics
that respond by moving up or down a frequency range, giving it
the ability to resonate with gems. It can do this at any one
of a range of frequencies, and this gives it the ability to respond
to many different stimuli. As an illustration of this phenomenon,
psychiatrists have documented emotional changes in our behavior
when in the presence of different colors. In terms of what I
have been saying, this is a resonation with light frequencies.
It is known that within the "spectrum" of vitamins
we need for our nutrition, different vitamins have affinities
with different colors. Gems also have a range of helpful frequency
radiations that can be intelligently utilized when required by
the higher mind and the chakras, each of which needs different
rates of vibratory assistance.
we also react to many other kinds of stimulation, for example,
environmental, conversational, recreational, and digestive, just
to name a few. They will all act to change our rate of resonant
frequency. Our mental resilience and physical immunity in the
face of such daily stimulation will depend on how much balance
we have in reserve to help counteract inharmonious forces that
could otherwise disturb us.
In our
varied lives, when we are being bombarded with such a broad range
of experiences, we need, as humans, to expand our capacity for
empathy. This means we need to be able to resonate both sympathetically
and discriminatively with the full spectrum of human experiences,
so that we can compare and understand how best to interpret and
react to them. Endlessly repetitive misjudgments can cause us
lasting harm. Every incorrect thought and action that we engage
in damages our ability to interpret our next experience, and
so on, until we may find ourselves sliding into mental or physical
If we
cannot recognize a truth, it is because we have allowed delusion,
via repeated misjudgments, to have too great a hold over us.
If the body cannot recognize and overcome a virus, it is an immunological
weakness initiated by the lifestyle and habits from this life
or a previous one. Cancer seems to be the result of such a process,
where the body's intelligence has seemingly forgotten how to
overcome its tumor making tendencies. As a psychological example,
along a similar line, an incorrect reaction to an insult can
be resentment (an example of a common, all too human misjudgment).
If this type of reaction becomes repetitive in a person's life,
it can create chronic tension and even lead to a breakdown in
both physical and mental health. And, again, this type of experience
will implant a resonant frequency in the body which correlates
to the person's reactive tendencies.
people, perhaps because of their humility, do not harbor resentment
to insults or other minor injustices. Could it be that such individuals
are more whole, and more developed in their range of learned
reactions, because humility has a resonating frequency in their
mental characteristics? We know that humility makes a significant
difference to peoples mental health, but our present-day
medical vocabulary hardly seems to have words to encompass the
people and the mind-body connection
their traditional mechanistic training, doctors are beginning,
in ever-greater numbers, to realize the supreme importance of
the mind-body connection in relation to disease. Research is
showing that there is, in fact, a correlation between positive
people and a low incidence of disease, in the same environments
as depressed, or otherwise negative, people who contract a disproportionately
high number of bacterial or viral infections. Such research into
the connection between mental states (mind) and resulting physical
health (body) is only the beginning of what, I predict, will
some day become a fully accepted and fundamentally comprehensive
set of principles on the origins of disease. Most people who
have purchased a navaratna (nine-gem bangle) say they feel there
has been a positive shift in their mindset which has had a subtle,
or in some cases an obvious, affect on their character and lifestyle.
We should
perhaps forget about the word disease for a moment and concentrate
on the inter-relatedness of the concepts of receptivity and resonance.
With respect to something as complex as a human being, it would
be unwise to say categorically that everyone who thinks or acts
in a certain way will necessarily contract certain diseases.
But it is nonetheless unequivocal that our vibratory resonance
will act like a magnet to increase our receptivity to certain
environments, people, philosophies, health strengths and weaknesses,
and relationships.
In fact,
everything of crucial importance to us in life is summed up in
this last word, relationship. The sum total of all our actions
and thoughts will create a whole internalized set of relationships,
with the inevitable conclusion that our lives are ever growing
composites of a changing set of causal conditions--all related
to each other in a complex pattern. We have to realize that we
are magnets, alternately attracting or repelling everything from
positive or negative health to a wonderful or an unsupportive
life partner. The basis of all our problems in life lies in our
receptivity (resonance) to them. As our receptivity can be either
negative or positive, reactive or proactive, we must, therefore,
strive to become magnets that attract only the positive. We must
increase the positive aspect of our receptivity. The real significance
of karma is not in what happens to us but in how we react to
it. And the greatest challenge of life is to react to events
in a positive way.
people approach astrology without understanding or utilizing
positive receptivity. Instead of using astrology as a warning
to deal with or overcome a potentially harmful situation, many
people just shrug their shoulders and accept the "fated
pronouncement of the stars" like helpless lambs being led
to slaughter. People could increase their positive receptivity
by viewing astrology as predominantly a science to aid in finding
remedial solutions to nullify or mitigate the irritations of
life. Unfortunately, most astrologers don't have the luxury of
dealing only with people who realize they should actively seek
a spiritual path which will help them to consciously overcome
their negative tendencies and resonance's before it is too late.
Such a path will always take self effort and discipline, inspired
by an exemplary teacher--it is not just a blind belief system.
Those who don't understand this will sadly assume that astrology
is a fatalistic science. Astrology is, on the contrary, merely
a science of resonance, and its concomitant attractive or repulsive
qualities can be countered, improved or altered-- ideally before
the destined pattern becomes an irritating reality.
likes to focus on details, and at the same time fails to see
that pervading consciousness which is everywhere, but can be
found nowhere if the observer is not receptive. Consciousness
is not a function of the intellect; it is rather a matter of
feeling and receptivity, increased through harmonious living.
Does it seem so strange that a pearl, which is made by Nature's
reaction, in an oyster, to overcome an irritation, should also
electromagnetically have that same influence--reducing irritation--on
a person's mind when wearing it next to the skin? Does it not
sound reasonable that, even though many crystal and gem purveyors
could be promulgating outrageous claims about their wares, there
is nonetheless at least some truth in this yet to be widely respected
witch doctors and modern medicine
than a few shamans, wizards, and witch doctors have had a better
intuitional understanding than most Western doctors of Nature's
forces present in herbs and gems, and in their healing attributes.
Perhaps the "outsiders" (mechanistic doctors) have,
in focusing on the external trappings of natural cures, not grasped
the essential reasons for their popularity in ancient times.
Of course, Western "modern medicine"
has had a short-term, overall, high success rate, particularly
with infectious diseases, though not so much with chronic systemic
ills. This is why it has, relatively recently (but maybe only temporarily),
superseded the world's ancient healing systems. I am not suggesting
a pearl can cure malaria, but I am proposing that it may lessen
the discomfort to some degree. It may be remembered that only twenty
years ago acupuncture was barely respected in the west, and was
sadly ridiculed in many western hospitals. Even herbs, which were
unfairly criticized as being either "toxic" or worthless,
have finally moved up in respect as healing substances. Yet, despite
this advance in consciousness, the majority of people still feel
the "magic" in nature's infinite variety seems too simple
and ingeniously accommodating to allow that gems can make a difference.
"The Wisdom of Forrest Gump" by Winston Groom, he advises "not
to put stock in newspapers as you can find out more just by lookin'
around at what is goin' on."
It's a bit like the best newspaper in the world will never give
you the news of your day. And so, to a degree, are the limitations
of scientific research. Like a harmonically resonating violin string,
we need to respond to our environmental situations sympathetically,
yet with full awareness of our environmental conditions. We need
to respond to a broad range of ever-changing conditions in our
lives, which require a reserve of different kinds of energy to
draw upon. An accomplished musical composer knows all the combinations
of notes within the octave, and how best to arrange them in his
composition. When a person is not able to digest a certain vitamin
efficiently, it may help to either increase or purify the supply.
When our horoscope indicates how we can be helped by understanding
our strengths and weaknesses, we can activate our superhuman will
to help ourselves, but we can also take advantage of the limited,
but benign, cosmic nutrition of the electromagnetic radiation from
gems touching the skin. To wear gems for wellbeing without also
seeking a spiritual goal in life is to show a complete lack of
understanding of the long-term purpose of gems. They are merely
stepping stones to help us on our path, a minor but useful adjunct
to our willpower and devotion in seeking the goal of self-illumination.
arises from correctly learned lessons from past experiences.
Increasing our wisdom increases our ability to comprehend our
lives, and to know how to act in different situations. It is
not so much an intellectual capacity as a function of how we
tune in (or resonate) with our experiences and perceptions. A
dictionary cannot adequately define the word "wisdom"--it
is too broad a subject. But in one important respect we could
say wisdom involves making decisions, in all circumstances, on
the basis of truths revealed when we resonate with a higher plane
of existence. Such an attainment comes to people who have a strong
center of focus on spiritual perception. People with wisdom don't
just happen--they work, within a helpful environment, on developing
discernment, and instill in themselves, through willpower, the
habit of practicing virtues such as patience, consideration,
tolerance and humility.
It has
been interesting to note that many people who wear the nine-gem
bangle have noticed small but gratifying increases in their willingness
to be virtuous in their behavior. They have said that their attraction
to lower-vibration activities and places had inexplicably lessened,
and that this was something that took them by surprise. It was
clear to them that it was not a question of trying to change
their habitual pastimes, but rather one of just not being attracted
to them as much. I would explain this by suggesting that, in
absorbing the electromagnetic vibrations of the gems, their inner
personal resonance subtly changed in such a way that there was
a reduction in the level of attraction to their past behaviors.
Like will attract like, and when your rate of vibration changes
there will be a definite change in your attraction to past habitual
actions and thoughts. Some have said to their surprise, "Now
I just want to meditate more." Others have said, "Now
I just want to balance my life with a stronger spiritual environment
than before." And still others say it seems that their lives
are more fulfilling now, and there are fewer obstructions.
So many
people look at karma as that which is irrevocably "coming
to them," consequently they dont understanding how
the gems can help their karmic pattern. Again and again I have
talked to people who have expressed amazement that, after wearing
the bangle, their reactions to circumstances which used to irritate
them greatly has dramatically shifted, so that they are not nearly
as bothered by them, and their overall well-being is much improved.
They have told how their resonance to negative circumstances
has greatly lessened, and not reverberated in their minds as
irritatingly as usual. This in turn has changed their former
magnetism of reacting in a negative, defensive manner. How we
resonate to life determines how we respond to circumstances,
which in turn helps determine our future circumstances, and large
gems make demonstrative improvements to our personal resonance.
and Magnetism are strongly interrelated in our lives. The wisdom
in our consciousness will gauge the way we relate and react to
karmic situations. Three people can be insulted; one will be
amused, another mildly irritated and the third will want to hit
back. Our resonation with the circumstance created the magnetism
for the reaction. Many people have testified that their reactions
to circumstances changed greatly when they started wearing gems--certain
things did not bother them as much, and they could express themselves
more clearly and attract better life situations. Our karma is
really just a form of time-delayed magnetism (attracting the "good"
or the "bad") that we can improve by prayer, will power
and self-help disciplines, such as those offered by any spiritual
path which has practices incorporating improvements in the heart,
health and mental faculties of the student.
I have
many clients who told me their astrologer could not understand
why they were not having health problems, when the placement
of their planets indicated that they should be. They concluded
that because they did so much work on strengthening their health
earlier in their life, and in developing exceptional health patterns,
their developed resilience thwarted the karmic inclination toward
weakened receptivity to the needed planetary radiations, so it
seemed as though nothing negative was occurring. Preventive karmic
activity is based on developing a strong mind and body, so that
we dont even know we are experiencing a weakened receptivity
to the needed cosmic radiations. The magnetism of "destiny" can,
therefore, be changed by determined, wise actions that become
deeply integrated into our mental and physical health. Wearing
appropriate gems supplements the dosage of the blend of useful
electromagnetic radiation that the planets radiate. The gems atomic
frequencies also resonate to counteract our weakened karmic disposition
for not being receptive to a healthy balance of planetary radio
frequencies that feed our astral body, and which in turn, are
so vital to our physical body.
Bhattacharya, in his groundbreaking book, Gem Therapy, explained
that, from his life's research in this field, he has concluded
that we deeply need light in its balance of all the rays of the
visible spectrum--in deep rich tones--to be healthy. He understood
that certain gems have a radiation that, though not visibly a
certain color, represent that frequency of color vibration on
an etheric or higher resonance level. All energy manifestations
have harmonic frequencies which interact with each other on a
higher plane; for example, a musical note may resonate with a
color, a geometric shape, a planet, a crystal or even a vitamin.
We know the vitamin will assist the physical body, but we discount
the possibility that the astral body can also be helped by "nutrition" of
a different kind; which in turn benefits the physical body.
gem healers have suggested that the rays from gems can help the
mental and spiritual bodies even more than the physical. And
they further suggest that, in the manifestation of God's consciousness,
different kinds of medicine work better if the patient's lack
of radiation receptivity is supplemented by some "applied
means". Bhattacharya's specialty and recommendation for
the applied means was, quite naturally, the non-invasive use
of gems, and his book claims he had satisfying results. A large
part of his explanation of health improvement was that, as "beings
of light", we need to be receptive to all the colors of
the rainbow--in an even, deeply toned balance--for maximum health.
He considered certain gems a repository of harmonically resonant
color frequencies that can nourish depleted healing forces. Happily,
the best means to supplement receptivity are the least invasive
and the simplest. I am not, of course, endorsing gems as the
panacea to all ills, but I do recommend them as a valid part
of a combined approach to resolving a health problem.
have measurable scientific qualities, some of which are related
to their interaction with the electromagnetic radiation of light,
as for example their color, and their indices of refraction,
dispersion, and pleochromism. In addition, they have various
unique reactions to different parts of the visible spectrum,
which show the stable, set pattern of how they interact with
crystal has a natural frequency of vibration, which depends on
its size and shape. If such a crystal is introduced into an oscillating
electronic circuit that resonates at a frequency very close to
that of the natural frequency of the crystal, the whole circuit
(including the crystal) will oscillate at the crystals natural
frequency, and the frequency will remain constant over considerable
periods (a good crystal will maintain oscillation for a year
with an accumulated error of less than 0.1 of a second). In a
quartz watch or clock the alternating current from the oscillating
circuit containing such a crystal is amplified and the frequency
subdivided until it is suitable to drive a synchronous motor,
which in turn drives a gear train to operate the hands of the
crystal radios and watches, laser and radar equipment, photoelectric
cells, and computers are all based on the extraordinary power
and stability of the electromagnetic phenomenon of light interacting
with crystals.
is a scientific practice that stimulates the cellular Electro-physiological
energies by using a special electromagnetic field to create a
desired equilibrium of health. Many physiologists believe that
cellular replications, which are continually carried out in the
human body, involve bioelectric switching mechanisms. Cancer
is a prime example of a disorder in which the cellular replication
has gone awry, with an attendant massive overproduction of tumor
cells. Since replication is in itself a natural process, the
fact that the body has betrayed its otherwise balanced instincts
is indicative of its intelligence being thrown out of balance
at a deeper vibratory level. Mainstream Western scientists are
unable to rectify this problem because they have not yet fully
researched the interaction between living organisms and the spectrum
of cosmic rays they require. Botanists have discovered surprising
responses of different flowering plants to different rays of
the spectrum--like the lunar Jasmine which opens only on a full
moon. But overall, there is still much to be discovered about
color and light therapy.
In millenniums
past, the rishis explained that within every physical object
and living being there is a finer astral counterpart, composed
of luminous lifetronic energy. This lifetronic energy is a consciousness
that, when strong enough, will influence its immediate environment--its
outer physical form. Most people think that the influence of
gems is a New Age discovery, but, in fact, their powerful influence
has been known for at least four thousand years--the age of the
Garuda Purana texts of India which mention it.
correspondence between gems and planets
the penetrating insight of the rishis' illumined state of consciousness,
they were able to offer us the insight that the electromagnetic
frequencies of particular gems are harmonically very similar
to those of one or other of the planets. This correlative similarity
means that when a person's vedic horoscope reading indicates
that a problem may arise due to a weakened planetary influence
(poor receptivity), it can be strengthened (counteracted) by
the use of a specific gem's electromagnetic radiation, especially
if the gem is of sufficient weight and quality.
rishis (those who have attained liberation from the little self
into cosmic consciousness) have experienced and witnessed the
energy relationship between the human body instrument, the mind
imprisoned within it, and its planetary and cosmic environment.
In their quest to help mankind they have had, down through the
ages, to deal with our very limited understanding--arising from
our tendency to make judgements on the basis of our own much
more limited range of experience. As an example, when one saint
explains the words of another saint we can get a glimpse of how
limited our understanding is. Such a case is in a chapter of
the Autobiography of a Yogi on the great twentieth century German
Catholic stigmatist, Theresa Newman. In a dialogue with her,
Yogananda comments on her explanation of how she lived without
eating food:
live by God's light."
simple her reply, how Einsteinian! I see you realize that energy
flows to your body from the ether, sun and air."
A swift smile broke over her face.
am so happy to know that you understand how I live."
sacred life is a daily demonstration of the truth uttered by
Christ: 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'" Again she showed
joy at my explanation.
is indeed so. One of the reasons I am here on earth today is
to prove that man can live by god's invisible light, and not
by food only."
In a footnote
to this dialogue Yogananda explains that this biblical quote, from
Matthew 4:4, expresses that the "body battery"
of man is not dependant on gross food ("bread") alone
but rather primarily on the vibratory cosmic energy ("God's
word" or Om) which invisibly flows into the human body
via the medulla oblongata at the base of the brain.
We can
ameliorate our karmic debts if we, with the hands of wisdom,
utilize gems' and metals' electromagnetic vibrations. Wearing
certain gems and pure metals next to our skin acts to mitigate
the rebounding results of transgressions of universal law. To
undo the results of past wrong actions it is, therefore, helpful
to "armor" ourselves against any weakness in our receptivity
to the cosmic flux of radiation. Not only do we benefit from
the full "rainbow", or spectrum, of cosmic nutrition
which enters our being more easily if we have a strong will,
and a healthy body and mind, but we function more resiliently
with that rainbow being in strong amplified tones.
and the aging process
we have done that is wrong we are obliged to undo. The science
of life is to learn how to undo it as efficiently and quickly
as possible in order to not slow down the spiritual journey to
our goal. With the onset of the aging process, our resilience
to the karmic cycles of strong or weak receptivity to planetary
radiations is weakened to such a degree that the help offered
by the supplementing electromagnetic radiation from gems can
be even more beneficial. Older wearers of the gems have reported
this, when they testified that their developing pattern of ill
health--or psychological problems--inexplicably improved, and
that they were sure the rays from the gems helped create this
great yogi masters have explained that we need the flow of life
force, or prana, to enter our astral nervous system in five differentiated
forms, so that in the physical body they will manifest as crystallization,
circulation, assimilation, metabolism and elimination. Man's
sensitive body with its electrical life currents is the center
of many mysteries as yet unexplored. This explanation highlights
how limited the Western understanding is of how the human body
really functions. Medicine is, however, slowly yet inexorably
moving towards the realization that light rays will be the primary
healing medium of the future.
Astrological Jewelry
Astrological Jewelry is at the forefront of research and testing
of the means of using light for healing, and of trying to build
interest in the scientific rational of this benign healing art.
Scientifically speaking, man (whose body is composed of electrical
circuits and energy fields) can help change for the better the
cause-and-effect patterns (karma) that he has set into motion
from his past, using the unusually simple electromagnetic phenomenon
of light, effected through skin contact by ayurvedic gems. Therefore,
while not neglecting the spiritual path, the traveler would be
wise to also take advantage of any aid that may lessen the karmic
obstacles between him and his goal.
wise will, of course, realize that the teachings, advice and
blessings of the saints and masters is of greater value than
gems. Divinely guided will power directed to yoga meditation,
environmental choice, right behavior, prayer, diet, exercise
and study can more greatly influence our response to planetary
stimuli than gems can. However, specific gems and metals have
the unique distinction of not requiring will power to assist
in these most important activities and, thereby, can free the
will power of determined travelers to make even greater efforts
toward success. A humble man will accept blessings and boons
from whatever source the divine laws allow. The wise will know
how best to apply them.
vedic astrologers attempt to sell corrective gems, however, very
few Vedic astrologers have the extensive experience of meeting
people who can relate their observations on wearing a properly
made nine gem bangle for a lengthy period of time. They may recognize
the navaratna (the nine-gem bangle) as a potent material way
of passively protecting ourselves from the numerous karmic irritations
that result as the planets move in and out of benign and malefic
cycles during our lives, but they do not have the day-to-day
experience of hearing people comment on the benefits they get
from wearing gems. And some other astrologers have even less
experience because they are trying to supplement their astrological
practice by also selling gems, and to be able to do both is difficult,
given the limitation of the time needed for each field of study.
So limited
is the understanding of the benefits of navaratnas, that even
in India many astrologers believe that wearing the nine gems
in a ring, with the gems not touching the skin, is perfectly
effective. Also the science of the use of ayurvedic gems is generally
so misunderstood in that country that many wear navaratnas with
gems that are less than the required two-carat weight, making
them practically useless. These misunderstandings, however, are
quite naturally widespread, as the understanding of the influences
of electromagnetic radiation is very much still in its infancy
in its renaissance in this age, compared to in past higher ages.
Chapter 16 of his eminently readable autobiography, Yogananda
quotes Swami Sri Yukteswar explaining the true function of the
stars as follows:
is the study of man's response to planetary stimuli. The stars
have no conscious benevolence or animosity; they merely send
both positive and negative radiations. Of themselves, these
do not help or harm humanity, but offer a lawful channel for
the outward operation of cause-effect equilibriums that each
man has set into motion in the past. A child is born
on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in
mathematical harmony with his individual karma. His horoscope
is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and
its probable future results The message boldly
blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth is not meant
to emphasize fate--the result of past good and evil--but to
arouse man's will to escape from his universal thraldom. What
he has done, he can undo."
stellar and planetary rays have the power to activate latent,
harmful effects of past karma. As mentioned earlier, they interact
with the spinal centers that sustain man's body and mental clarity.
Ignorant men seldom realize how their actions affect the chakras
for good or for ill. When the physical environment and the mind
are out of harmony, it is the result of past and present transgressions
of spiritual law. This causes a definite inharmony between the
chakras and the twelve signs of the zodiac, and this inharmony
is also reflected between the two. Paramahansa Yogananda's interpretation
of the Bhagavad Gita, God Talks with Arjuna, further elucidates
Sri Yuktestwars explanation.
to begin
a customized selection of gems relating to an individual's karmic
pattern, a detailed planetary gem analysis is recommended. This
interprets the individuals strengths and weaknesses for the purpose
of selecting which gems would be of most benefit to wear. For
a free gem analysis and vedic horoscope, please click
too often, the surprising benefits of gems are neglected because
of their high cost at typical retail outlets. Few people realize
that some of the gems can be purchased for less than $25 per
carat, which, for an investment that should last a lifetime,
is a very modest sum.
Astrological Jewelry was the first company in the Western world
to specialize in crafting customized navaratnas full time. And
because of this, we have been able to observe and evaluate which
combinations of gems work most effectively, based on feedback
from hundreds of satisfied customers. The link-to-link design
was pioneered to enable the client to purchase and wear all the
gems that a modest budget will allow, and, by inter-changeability
of the gem-set links, to add or upgrade gems at a later time,
if desired. Please review the other pages, and especially the
frequently asked questions page, to learn more about this fascinating
subject. Please feel welcome to email or phone in any additional
educational comments you may have pertaining to this essay.
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